Sami K   
In the past few years the economy hasn’t been nice to us. In fact… it has kind of been a back stabbing bitch! But is that an okay excuse to not work out? Gyms are expensive, personal trainers are more expensive, even gym equiptment  to use at home is sometims not possible on a tight budget. My soulution? Bodyweight Workouts!! And it free… There are hundreds of body weight exercises that you can do, I’ll get you started with a few of my favorites.

1) Reverse Crunch - knees bent, hands placed beside your hips flat on the floor, bring your knees towards your chin while exhaling. Your hips should come off the floor and slowly lower your feet to just above floor level. Do 15-20 reps.
2) Side (Plank) Bridge - lie on your side so that your body is rigid and straight. The only contact points on the floor are your forearm and the near side of your foot. Do 20-30 seconds.
3) Front Bridge - Lie face down so that your body is rigid and straight, the only contact points on the floor are both forearms and both sets of toes. Do 20-30 seconds.
4) Split Jump - Stand in a lunge position with one leg between half to a meter in front of the other, arms at your sides. Bend at the knees until your back leg almost touches the floor, then swing your arms forward and jump as high as you can. While in the air, switch leg positions so that you can land softly with the other leg in front. Repeat for 8 to 12 reps.
5) Push-ups; or if you are a beginner try the kneeling push-up (push up position but with your knees on the floor)
  Okay, It took me a while to completely understand the concept behind thermogenics so I am going to try to break this down for you. Thermogenisis by definition is: generation or production of heat, especially by physiological processes. Why should you give a damn? Simple, a less scientific definition for thermogenics is to produce heat in the fat burning process, therefore burning MORE calories. Drinking 8 glasses of ICE water a day has been proven to burn as many calories as a 3 mile run. Why you ask, because it takes more energy for your body to heat the ice water up to your normal body temperature. The more heat that is created by consumption of the food, the more calories are burned by digestion of the food. Naturally there are some foods that are better at this then others.

Hot Pepper
Green Tea
Cayenne Pepper
Ice Water
Broccoli or cauliflower
Lemon or Vinegar
Fatty Fish

Why do these foods have a higher thermegenic burn?

Hot Peppers -
Dr. Henry at Oxford University proved that hot peppers were very effective at stimulating the metabolism by adding just 3 grams of chili peppers to a meal consisting of 766 calories. The peppers led to what Dr. Henry calls "a diet-induced thermo effect". "It doesn't take much", he says, "but I caution that you must listen to your taste buds."
Green Tea (Iced or Hot) -
Studies have shown that green teas that contain both Cannatic Extract and Gymnemic Acid, reduce absorption of sugar into the blood, and lessen the craving for sweets. More importantly, green tea inhibits the action of amylase, a primary digestive enzyme of carbohydrates and therefore, moves food more quickly through the digestive system, raising the metabolism quicker, and burning more calories. Green tea is best consumed before a meal to aid digestion. Other advantages include links to cancer prevention and health benefits for people with diabetes.
Cayenne Pepper -
Oxford Polytechnic Institute proved that cayenne pepper stimulates the metabolism approximately 20%. It not only stimulates the body's metabolic rate, but also cleans fat out of the arteries. Cayenne pepper also adds great zip to foods such as spaghetti sauce and soups.
Salsa -
Salsa was proven at the Oxford Institute to stimulate the metabolism approximately 15 to 20%. It's also America's number 1 condiment now. You can throw it on anything from baked potatoes and scrambled eggs to beans and even veggies. It's going to help because it is a natural thermogenic food that increases your metabolism. Of course, the hotter the better, but only choose what best suits your taste buds.
Ice Water -
High water intake reduces fat deposits and rids the body of toxins. Simply drinking eight 16 oz. glasses of water throughout the day, cooled to 40 Fahrenheit, will burn 200 calories; that's equivalent to running 3 miles! Ice water will burn more calories since your metabolism will increase to warm the water to body temperature. It is also very effective for reducing cravings. If you're not a water fan, we suggest you experiment with purified, spring or reverse osmosis water. If you're still not convinced, add a little juice for flavor. Don't drink Ice Water with meals as it dilutes digestive enzymes. A little warm water or herb tea is a good choice then
Cabbage -
Red or green cabbage should be shredded, raw or steamed. Start including cabbage in your diet as it is a longevity food. Studies in the United States, Greece and Japan have shown that people who eat a lot of cabbage are less likely to develop colon cancer, and also have a lower incidence of disease-related death. Try coleslaw instead of green salad with your next meal.
Celery -
Celery takes more energy from the body to absorb and digest than the calories it provides. Celery has also long been used as a nerve tonic; it's a good, crunchy raw vegetable to chew on if you are stressed out. Celery will calm your nerves, help flush fat out of your system, and make you sleep better. Try eating celery with low-fat yogurt dip
Broccoli and Cauliflower -
Both broccoli and cauliflower rank number 1 as America's favorite vegetable, according to a poll by the Epcot Center. Your bones will love them, as they are one of the few calcium-containing vegetables. A cup of broccoli provides over 150 mg of calcium. Broccoli and cauliflower are both great in stir-fries or casseroles.
Lemon or Vinegar -
A small amount of vinegar or lemon juice (1 tablespoon), because of its acidity has a powerful slowing effect on stomach emptying, thereby slowing down the rate of starch digestion. Have a glass of water with lemon in the morning. It's a great way to keep your blood sugar balanced.
Grapefruit -
Grapefruit is not a diet myth. It actually helps dissolve fat and high cholesterol, as proven at the University of Florida, by Dr. James Cerda. Grapefruits are loaded with over 15 grams of pectin, which helps curb your appetite by expanding in the body and making you feel fuller, longer. It is rich in natural galacturonic acid, which adds to the potential to fight fat and cholesterol. Try sprinkling cinnamon on your grapefruit to reduce the tart taste, or a little fructose if you have a sweet tooth. For a unique taste, sprinkle the grapefruit with cinnamon and broil for a few minutes; it makes a nice appetizer for a meal.
Berries -
Berries are one of the best rate reduction foods. They have a natural fructose to satisfy your cravings for sweets, but enough fiber so you can absorb fewer calories than you eat. British researchers found that the high content of insoluble fiber, found in most berries and vegetables, reduces the absorption of calories from foods enough to promote weight loss, without hampering your nutrition. Berries are also an excellent source of potassium which is effective for your blood pressure control. Enjoy berries; they make a great dessert when topped with low-fat yogurt. In the summer, drink fresh berry juice with
a protein powder, for a light snack. .
Due to their high glycemic measure, fruits to consume only occasionally include:
Apricots - Raisins - Watermelon - Papaya - Bananas - Mango
In large quantities, these fruits drive your blood sugar to the sky, but they are fine to mix in with a salad or be eaten with other foods, to help neutralize the glycemic effect.
On the other hand, the following foods actually slow digestion and absorption for a more balanced blood sugar level. The fiber from these fruits also binds with some fat to prevent its absorption. High fiber foods are beneficial for speeding up bowel transit time and to taking some stress off the liver as less toxins form, allowing the body to metabolize more efficiently.
Apples - Berries - Cherries - Grapes - Grapefruit - Oranges - Peaches - Pears
Fatty Fish -
Fighting fat with fat may sound paradoxical, but not all fats make people fat. Omega 3 fatty acids, found in salmon, mackerel, tuna and other fatty fish, can increase the metabolic rate, rid the body of excess fluids and increase energy levels. Dr. Joel Krener, University of Florida, discovered that daily supplements of EPA (found in health food stores) brought dramatic relief for inflammation and stiff joints from rheumatoid arthritis. Other essential fats for a healthy metabolism are Omega 6 fatty acids, especially Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA). Good sources are evening primrose oil, borage seed oil and black current oil. If you are not a fish lover, fish oil capsules and flaxseed (either in seed form or as an oil) are great sources of Omega 3 essential fat. In fact, flaxseed may play a role in the prevention of heart disease and cancer. You can also use flaxseed oil as a salad dressing.
Oatmeal -
Oats drive down cholesterol. 23 out of 25 studies prove that a large bowl of oatmeal did the job. Oatmeal is a great, long chain molecule food that expands in the body and makes you feel fuller, longer. Oatmeal also releases glucose into the blood stream, slowly but surely. Add buckwheat to your bowl and you'll get a double whammy.

So, in conclusion… eating certain foods will work with your body to raise your core temperature, therefore burning more calories. Go ahead and throw a couple of these great foods into your diet, they aren’t hard to come by and they aren’t horrible to eat. Don’t forget to drink your 3 m


    Sami K here, you've found my blog. Please remember that I am not a doctor and I am still in training to be a personal trainer and nutrition specialist. I just have a passion for health and fitness. Please consult your doctor before starting a new diet or exercise program.
    If you have any questions or would like for me to blog about something please feel free to email me or send me a message through the contact section.


    August 2010


    Sami K

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